Elle has done it again and this time it is Elle -India, indulging in airbrushing the cover girl.Elle India is in hot water for allegedly digitally lightening the skin of their January 2011 cover girl, actress and beauty queen – Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. On the cover, Bachchan is photographed in a lavish gold gown with a sleek updo hairstyle, but her skin tone steals the show as it appears many shades lighter than in candid photos and production stills from her Bollywood films. Ash’s inside cover story features photos in which her complexion looks just as retouched as the cover itself.
I wonder why Elle India need to lighten Ash’s complexion. She’s got a great complexion anyway. Or is it the typical ‘Gor-Gori’ syndrome that pushes the sale of skin-lightening creams in India that Elle fell for?
While Airbrushing is a common thing with fashion glossies but most indulge in photoshopping to clear blemishes or to tamper with the shape of the model. Lightening skin complexion of a Cover Girl is indulged by Elle not only this time but earlier too in the October 2010 of the American edition, which featured actress Gabourey Sidibe on one of its four celebrity covers with noticeably lighter skin than her natural complexion.
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